The Brookshire Lab Group
ENSC 468/ LRES 568
Ecosystem Biogeochemistry and Global Change
Spring, 3 cr.
Biogeochemistry is the study of the physical, chemical, geological, and biological processes and reactions that govern the cycles of matter and energy in the biosphere. Ecosystem ecology is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment as an integrated system characterized by biogeochemical flows of energy and matter within and across ecosystems. These flows occur over a range of space and time scales. The course is meant to serve as an introduction to the study of biogeochemical dynamics from ecological and Earth-systems perspectives. The class examines ecosystems and the biosphere as complex adaptive systems characterized by interactions and feedbacks among organisms, the atmosphere, climate, and the cycling of elements at a local to global scales. The class emphasizes, but is not limited to, the ‘grand elemental cycles’ of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus and how human activities are affecting these cycles.
LRES 567
Biogeochemical Analysis and Synthesis
Fall, alternate years, to be offered even years, 1 cr.
The course is meant to serve as an introduction to the study of biogeochemical dynamics from an Earth-systems perspective. The course will consist mostly of readings from primary literature and student-lead discussion. We will choose a problem/question, work together to survey relevant literature through a meta-analysis, and strive to produce a manuscript for publication.